Pastor Corner – August 2013

When Jesus saw the crowds, he went up the mountain and after he sat down, his disciples came to him.  Then he began to speak and taught them.  Matthew 5:1

Learning is a life-long process.  The best way to keep our minds active as we grow older is to keep learning new things.  Jesus was a Master Teacher.  He taught us about God and God’s will by instruction and by example. Education is one of the most valuable assets in the world.  Christina education is vital for us to keep growing in our faith and in our practice of putting Jesus’ teachings into action.  How can we obey the Lord if we do not know what he taught?  Sunday worship, Sunday School, and weekly Bible studies are all opportunities to keep learning and growing closer to God and each other.

Completing a high school education today is just a basic step in order to be eligible to get a good job and have a good quality of life.  Higher education is very important for the long-term.  Vocational training is also a plus for many people to get a good job.  In today’s economy, a person needs all of the benefits they can get to find meaningful employment.  Encourage the young people that you know to keep learning as much as they can and to work hard for their education.  One day, they will thank you for the support.

As a child, my family did not have a lot of money to spare.  My Mom would take us to the public library at least once a week, and I checked out books from my school library, too.  Reading is one of the best ways to learn about the world.  My favorites were biographies of Presidents and other leaders, and pioneer stories.  In middle school, my family splurged for me to be in a book club.  Most of my teenaged years, I had a book in my hand everywhere we went.  With today’s technology, it is even easier for kids to take books with them on Nooks and i-pads and Kindles.  Instead of a toy, what about giving books to kids or reading with your grand-children?  It totally enriched my life to read as a child and a teenager.

It is time for teachers and children to return to school.  Please pray for out teachers, principals, coaches, and students.  We pray for their safety, and we pray that children would be motivated and inspired to learn as much as they can.  Not everyone in the world has the opportunity to go to school.   It is a privilege.

Rev. Becky