This is a very special time of year for everyone. Come and celebrate with us and be a part of the magic.
Sunday, December 7 at 10:15 AM is the Annual Christmas Program. The program will begin early with the Metairie Lodge Jazz Band performing before the worship service. So get to church early that day. The choir will perform a selection of songs and the congregation will join in with some of the familiar carols of Christmas. The sanctuary is beautifully decorated.
Wednesday, December 10 at 11:00 AM the JOY Club will meet. The meal has been planned. We are going down to the bayou and have a Cajun Christmas. Santa will just have to visit us in his pirogue driven by swamp alligators instead of his sled and reindeer. Let’s have a crowd for the last JOY Club for 2014.
Sunday, December 14 at 5:30 PM, the church will celebrate the season with our annual live nativity followed by the church Christmas party in the fellowship hall. There will be a reading of the Christmas Story interspersed with carols and the youth of the church will portray the characters of the nativity scene. Then, we will all join in to sing some of the familiar Christmas songs as we welcome a visit from Santa Claus.
Introducing Tamlin Alexander Rigney who will be Baby Jesus in the nativity play at Algiers United Methodist Church. Tamlin is an active one year older. Everybody is ready for him because he may want to walk around the “stable” during the Christmas pageant. Every year the church recounts the story and celebrates the birth of Jesus anew. Everyone is welcomed to see Tamlin and hear again the story of Jesus’ birth on Sunday, December 14 at 5:30.
Wednesday, December 24 at 7:00 PM the church will celebrate with our Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion service.