Sunday, January 12th is our next Breakfast at Church.
During the Christmas season, one of our visitors sent us some Real Maple syrup! So we are going to put that gift to good use with our Pancake Breakfast feast!Come out and enjoys some house specialty pancakes. We will also have homemade bacon and sausage.
It is worth the time to get to church early to have a great breakfast to start your day.
Bring your friends and family and head over to Algiers United Methodist church for a sit down meal shared with your friends.
We begin serving at 9:30, and we welcome anyone who would like to visit and enjoy a good meal.
Good Food, Good Friends, Good Fellowship.
Come out and experience the Food and Fellowship.
If you would like to help prepare breakfast, the “Guys” (the Men’s club) get started at 8:30 and begin serving at 9:30.
Come join us!