Our Vacation Bible School will be held from July 8th thru July 12th from 9:00 am until Noon.
Our mascot this year is a bird named “Godwin Merrifeather”. He has appear in the sanctuary to remind everyone of VBS. The theme this year is Everywhere Fun Fair – Where God’s World Comes Together.
The Bible verse we will focus on is “Love the Lord your God….and love your neighbors as yourself.” Luke 10:27
As the week of VBS goes on, we will focus on the following:
- Meet welcoming neighbors from the Bible
- Learn to be a good neighbor
- Explore the everyday life of neighbors around the world
- Discover that God’s love welcomes everyone
We will need helpers. If you can give your time, please contact Rooney Caldwell 341-1124 or Charlotte Hemard 394-5942. Also we will need monetary donations to help defray the cost of materials, craft activities, and snacks throughout the week. On the last day we will have our Annual Hot Dog Party.
Vacation Bible School is open to children ages 3 years old through 5th grade. Any youth in 6th grade or up can come help and received service hours for school.